by Tenzing | Sep 7, 2017 | Photography
Otaku Next Comic & Cosplay Nepal, September 2017 (Part Two) Here’s the second half of my photos from Otaku Next Comic & Cosplay Nepal, held on September 2017. Please click here for part one of this gallery. Cosplay events in Nepal Otaku Next Comic &...
by Tenzing | Sep 7, 2017 | Photography, Life
Otaku Next Comic & Cosplay Nepal, September 2017 (Part One) A few weeks back I was able to visit Otaku Next’s latest convention, Otaku Next Comic & Cosplay Nepal 2017, held at Heritage Garden. As usual this time there was a cosplay competition and...
by Tenzing | Jun 2, 2016 | Photography, Toys
Connor Kenway in Godavari I received this action figure a few years back as a birthday gift from a friend. If you play video games then you must have already recognized this is Connor Kenway AKA Ratonhnhaké:ton, the protagonist of the game Assassin’s Creed 3....
by Tenzing | Sep 29, 2015 | Photography
Otaku Next Cosplay 2015 The third Nepalese cosplay event was held on 9 September. Organized by Otaku Next it was part cosplay competition, part magazine release (they print a manga magazine). This was my second time attending a local cosplay event (there have been 3...
by Tenzing | Apr 2, 2015 | Life, Photography
The Flowers of Dhulikhel Mountain Resort During November last year I was lucky enough to get a room at the Dhulikhel Mountain Resort. Rated the number 2 hotel in Dhulikhel by Tripadvisor, this beautiful resort is situated on one of Dhulikhel’s many hills....
by Tenzing | Sep 2, 2014 | Photography
Let’s Cosplay was the first cosplay event in Nepal. The event was organised by Otaku Club Nepal and was held at Irish Pub, Lazimpat on 30 August, 2014. This is the second album from the event. The first album is here but you can also see the full album with...