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The Flowers of Dhulikhel Mountain Resort

Apr 2, 2015Life, Photography

During November last year I was lucky enough to get a room at the Dhulikhel Mountain Resort. Rated the number 2 hotel in Dhulikhel by Tripadvisor, this beautiful resort is situated on one of Dhulikhel’s many hills.

I’m not sure what I expected but the resort did not disappoint – from clean air to amazing views and a comfortable room, Dhulikhel Mountain Resort has it all. Nonetheless I was honestly surprised at how good the wifi was since I was having lots of issue with the same at home. They also had cable television with hard-to-find channels such as Comedy Central with LCD (or was it an LED?) TVs in every room.

With the number 1 hotel being Dwarika’s, it is also not surprising that Dhulikhel Mountain Resort has great staff as well. I particularly appreciated the gardener who navigated us through the large and beautiful gardens which are another unique aspect of the resort.

Before I went on my trip I asked a few friends what Dhulikhel was famous for and what would be good to buy there to bring back home… and I was told to buy potatoes – not very awesome. Now that I have been there I can say that they (at least Dhulikhel Mountain Resort) have amazing food as well since I was served some of the best-looking and tastiest fruits and vegetables I have ever had in my life!

When I asked about it, they explained that they grow or buy everything locally as much as possible. I guess the clean air has infused a “fresh” flavour in the local produce…?

On the drive back from Dhulikhel, all I could think about was that Dhulikhel Mountain Resort was an amazing place and how soon my next visit would be.

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